Tag: freelance

End of Tax Year Prepaid Blog Package

End of Tax Year Prepaid Blog Package Deals

I’ve decided to offer some special deals to customers old and new who want to use their budget wisely before the end of the tax year and buy a special prepaid blog package.

13th March 2018 0
8 Satisfying Aspects of Being a Freelancer

The 8 Most Satisfying Aspects of Being a Freelancer

There are many advantages to being self-employed, from escaping office politics to being able to use the shops when everyone else is at work. Here are eight satisfying aspects of being a freelancer.

7th March 2018 2
Why I Love Yorkshire

Why I Love Yorkshire and Why You Should Too

Moving to Yorkshire was the best decision we ever made. Here’s why I love the county, how it influences my work and why you should love Yorkshire too.

27th February 2018 6
Return to Radio

Getting Back Into Radio

I had almost given up on radio at one point, but freelancing means that I can now get back into doing shows on a range of different stations. Find out more about my radio career here.

18th February 2018 1

Where Are the Best Places for Freelancers to Work?

Where are the best places for freelancers to work? I’ve detailed the pros and cons of the workspaces I have used so far and would love your input on where to set up if you’re self-employed and work remotely.

11th February 2018 0
Jim Coulson Freelance Stationery

I Quit My Job Today, Oh Boy

I quit my job to go freelance as a content writer, radio presenter, live event host and video maker. It was a good job, and I have two kids to support. Find out why I did it here.

8th January 2018 4