Author: Jim Coulson

Return to Radio

Getting Back Into Radio

I had almost given up on radio at one point, but freelancing means that I can now get back into doing shows on a range of different stations. Find out more about my radio career here.

18th February 2018 1

Where Are the Best Places for Freelancers to Work?

Where are the best places for freelancers to work? I’ve detailed the pros and cons of the workspaces I have used so far and would love your input on where to set up if you’re self-employed and work remotely.

11th February 2018 0
One-star podcast review

The Great One-Star Podcast Review Debate

I heard a podcast that really disappointed me the other day. The concept was great but the delivery poor. Here’s why I won’t give a one-star podcast review, though.

29th January 2018 0
Worst Copywriting Ever Cover

Is This the Worst Piece of Copywriting Ever?

A piece of writing on the packet of Tesco Blueberry Wheats is so muddled, it could be the worst piece of copywriting ever. Take a look and decide for yourself.

21st January 2018 0
Why You Need a Blog For Your Website - Bakewell Tart

Why You Need a Blog for Your Website

If you want to beat your rivals to the all-important search traffic, you need to add value to your site. Read exactly why you need a blog for your website.

15th January 2018 5
Jim Coulson Freelance Stationery

I Quit My Job Today, Oh Boy

I quit my job to go freelance as a content writer, radio presenter, live event host and video maker. It was a good job, and I have two kids to support. Find out why I did it here.

8th January 2018 4
Jim Hosting Scunthorpe United Game

Leaving Scunthorpe United

Yesterday was my last game as PA announcer at Scunthorpe United. It wasn’t a decision I took lightly and I thoroughly enjoyed my four years in the role, but here are my reasons.

2nd January 2018 3

Welcome to the blog, where I’ll keep you updated on what I’m up to, musings on digital and non-digital content and a whole lot more.

30th December 2017 0